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Information Security Policy

General objectives for the information security management system includes improving the Information Security practice and adoption, fostering this culture within the company and to reduce the likelihood and impact of security incidents.

This Policy and the entire ISMS must be compliant with legal and regulatory requirements relevant to the organization in the field of information security, as well as with contractual obligations.

Risk Management

Crossjoin implements a Risk Management Process adequate to identifying Risks, Opportunities and safeguarding critical assets.

Information Security Controls

Corrective and/or Preventive actions (Controls) will be selected in accordance with the Risk Management Process defined, in such a way that these actions are adequate to reduce the identified risks to acceptable levels.

ISO 27001

Information Security Awareness & Culture

The company is committed to improving the Information Security Culture, to achieve this objective Crossjoin has established regular Information Security Awareness Training for all its Personnel.

Moreover, Crossjoin Solutions is committed to the creation of an Information Security Culture, to ensure adequacy of existing information security requirements. 

Information Security Policies

Policies and Procedures are well documented and available to everyone within the Company. Regular reminders and training sessions for all Personnel are scheduled to ensure internal compliance.

Technical Competence

Crossjoin Solutions will ensure that personnel assigned to positions, allocated to projects or granted privileges to assets will have the appropriate knowledge, experience, training and/or close supervision from an experienced professional with adequate knowledge.

Continual Improvement

Crossjoin Solutions is fully committed to the Continual Improvement of the ISMS, under the ISO 27001 standard and Best Practices.

Support for ISMS implementation

Crossjoin Solutions declares that ISMS implementation and continual improvement will be supported with adequate resources in order to achieve all objectives set in the Information Security Policy, as well as satisfy all identified requirements.

Information Security Objectives

Efficient management of the Information Security Management System considering Risk Management, the ISMS Performance, Incident Management and Continual Improvement of the ISMS.

Enhance Information Security for data concerning Customers, Suppliers, Employees and Partners considering the requirements for Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Privacy of information.

Improve Information Security Management in daily activities with the collection and analysis of Key Performance Indicators, considering the Operational Activities, IS Awareness, Critical Applications, Secure Software Development Life Cycle, and Incident Management.

Ensure legal and contractual compliance with the observation of legal requirements and management of responsibilities.

Provide guidance on Information Security activities and best practices to minimize the risk and impact of Information Security events, incidents and breaches.

Our Certificate


We are committed with the security of your project and your teams







Have a Question?

If you have any questions for us regarding this policy please get in touch with us through the form.

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